miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

Feliz Navidad - Merry Christmas

Desde Cambridge...os deseo feliz navidad y un feliz año nuevo!!!

From Cambridge...I wish you a merry christmas and a very happy new year!!!

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

I am Miji Choi from South Korea, Alicia's friend.

I just saw the email from Alicia when she sent me on 10th Dec.
it was toooooo late to say hello to you.. Hello~ Again with Hola! Moi!(Finnish) Annyung!(Korean);>

Through your blog, I saw some you and Alicia's pictures at Picasa web album!
I am very happy to see her since I coudn't contact with her so long ;(
if you check this memo, I hope you share this with Alicia ;)

I couldn't meet you yet but I could see pictures alicia sent to me and you and alicia look very similar like family ;p so you are also very familiar to me like Alicia and her family :)

Hope you had great time on Christmas day with your family and ALicia's and HAPPY NEW YEAR ! ! !

Feliz ano nuevo!

Antonio Garcia dijo...

Hi Miji. I don't meet you yet but Alicia told me so many things about you that it is like you were here.

I hope one day we could meet and have a chat.

Have a great 2009!!